Frequently Asked Questions
Planning and Zoning
How do I get a copy of the McLean County Zoning Ordinance?
How do I get on the agenda for the next Planning & Zoning meeting?
How do I obtain a building permit?
Recorder's Office
Can I apply for a passport in McLean County?
How do I activate fraud alerts on my property in McLean County, ND?
How do I get a marriage license in McLean County?
Sheriff's Office
How can I find out if McLean County is under a burn ban?
How do I contact a Correctional Center inmate via mail or telephone?
How do I find out if a sex offender lives near me?
What are inmate visiting hours at the McLean County Correctional Center?
Social Services
How do I become a foster parent?
Tax Director/Land Use Administrator
Does the county have GIS parcel mapping data available online?
How can I get a copy of the McLean County Zoning Ordinance?